Restart (A Belated Response to the “Freedom of Expression” Tag)

I have always loved the rain
The way the droplets continue steadily
One after another
In what must seem an endless free-fall
A lifetime of motion
Complete with friends and cohorts
Allies and enemies
Tumbling just the same
Down until they can fall no longer
Until they reach their violent fate
If only for a moment
Before they are drawn back in
To the warm embrace
Of the flow that has gathered around them

How often I have wished
For the downpour to remain
For the clouds to pull from higher sources
And continue their assault
Upon the ground around me
That the distance I am able to see
Remain limited and in doing so
My thoughts remain grounded just the same

How often I have prayed
That the collective mass of water formed
Would wash away all that is around me
Taking with it these items and scenes and memories
Tearing asunder all that I know and am
Ripping from my hands this sad and lonely tether
I have clung so tightly to throughout so many
Storms of another nature

But how many times have I also looked out with wonder
At the mist rising softly in the early morning rays
At row after row after chaotic paint-splatter cluster
Of grateful green stem and leaf brethren
Reaching ever higher if only to be closer to the sky itself
While likewise sinking ever deeper so as to establish
A source of sustenance and belonging within
The earth and all else that it sustains

And so I am content
To watch as streams form on the window
To listen to the soft patter on the roof above
Knowing that soon
There will be an end to the precipitation
And the clouds will slowly drift to their next destination
Leaving me to watch the movement of the trees instead
Leaving me to patiently await the next deluge

I was recently nominated by Thought for Change, of the blog The Rendezvous Club, for the Freedom of Expression Tag. Thank you, sincerely, Adi, for the nomination and for all of the support and inspiration that you provide.

You can read her post and the nomination at:



In her original post (, Richa describes the tag as follows:

Every week (Thursday) I will pick a topic, post photos or quotes or lyrics or a poem or an article about the “topic” and nominate 3 bloggers, who in turn will post about that topic (in whichever way they want) and nominate 3 bloggers of their own, spreading “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” far and wide.

It’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the theme of the day. Fun, ain’t it?



  1. Thank the Selector and do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!”
  2. Attach the tag photo.
  3. Post about that topic (in whichever way you want – it could be a photo or a quote or a poem or an article) for the dedicated “Topic of the Day.” No rush!
  4. Select 3 bloggers to take part in “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Tag! Let’s spread some positivism around.


14 thoughts on “Restart (A Belated Response to the “Freedom of Expression” Tag)

  1. “Down until they can fall no longer
    Until they reach their violent fate
    If only for a moment
    Before they are drawn back in
    To the warm embrace
    Of the flow that has gathered around them”
    This was just so beautifully written! You are so talented ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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