Oh, Window Pane!

"Oh, Window Pane!" - Recorded 1/7/2021 - Auroraboros - Objects, and the Distance Between Them Oh, Window Pane!My God, my only hope!I would break you from your tether that I might make all my own the trees and the birds which you have captured just for me!In jars and vials, shadow boxes felted and gold … Continue reading Oh, Window Pane!

Until the Pendulum Swings Back Again

How many times have I Prayed for death? For life?   I hope God understands my seemingly contradictory appeals... Patiently humming and biding time Until the pendulum swings back again, Or until I see once more that it never moved in the first place, That it was my perception -Based on my limited perspective- Which … Continue reading Until the Pendulum Swings Back Again