Flowers in the Snow

For you; yes, you. For us. For what comes next. "Flowers in the Snow" - Recorded 1/10/2021 - Auroraboros - Objects, and the Distance Between Them Broke crust; boot to Earth.In winter's step, new to grow.Descend to(o), sanctum deep.Observe: bones,Picked clean, long ago.Mid-day, sun gleam.Bright light, dark though. Bow now.Lit, torch.Cast toWhite glow. New ground.New … Continue reading Flowers in the Snow


Beckoned to Inner sanctum As trumpets sound And sighs arise In anticipation Gently I move Banners to the side as I enter slowly But deliberately Paying due respect To the stately queen Poised above in grandeur Restless but calm Knowing we will make acquaintance Many times in this visit Opened now As a bottle of … Continue reading Banners